blurry memories
earlier in the week my sis had her graduation ceremony at uni. I took a few hours off work to attend and celebrate with her. I went into work with all my bags - carrying my laptop, my handbag and my camera bag and then left work at 1pm carrying all the items again. I feel more like a packhorse than an officeworker!! anyways, we get to uni early to get a good seat so we can get some good shots of my little sis graduating in her fancy dress and square hat and dangling tassle (such a fashion statement they are that we all aspire to wear them!?!).
so, we get to the graduation hall early and sit at the front alongside the centre aisle so that we have the ideal photo taking seat. as the presentation of certificates start and the vice chancellor walks to the centre of the stage preparing himself for the handshake with the graduands the photographer plonks himself right in the centre of the aisle about a metre or two from the stage and blocks out any possibility of taking a photo without his back, tripod and camera being in all photos family members attempt to take. even so, that wasn't going to trouble me. stubborn as I am I decided that there was no way they would force us to pay for something we were quite capable of doing ourselves (remember I had been a packhorse that morning for a reason!) and as my sis appeared on stage I proceeded to walk about 1.5 mtrs from my seat to a better vantage point to grab a snap of the happy moment, only to be chased down by the usher who came to stand within inches of my face and attempt make me go back to my seat. obviously this made my blood boil that they were going to get away with not allowing family member to take photos and force us to buy so I attempted to take my photo in spite of his commands. Unfortunately, either because I was so angry or because he was sabotaging my photo - the photo turned our blurred. and so I am extremely annoyed and angry at the university for the lost memory from my family's album.