Sunday, March 28, 2010

food glorious food

who doesn't love food? here are some that i've enjoyed... you can enjoy the memories :)

:: japanese ::

:: thai ::

:: salad ::

:: seafood ::

:: vegetarian lasagne ::
one of my fave comfort foods for winter

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

90-day geisha by chelsea haywood

a memoir about a 21-year old canadian, chelsea haywood who spent 3 months in tokyo working as a hostess catering to wealthy mature-aged japanese men. in an interview with chelsea, she describes that a hostess as being "available but unattainable", the job a a hostess is to converse with the male clients, sing karaoke with them, listen attentively to them, light their cigarettes and even go out with them on outings and dinner... but there is no sexual exchange.

provides interesting insight into the world of japanese culture and the infatuation of some of the japanese into gaijins and how they handle the pressure of being successful career driven men and the role geisha's and hostess' play in the japanese culture to reduce their stress.......


i found a pic of chelsea haywood - thought if you read this book you would be curious to see what she looks like (because i was teehee) and maybe even read this interview she gave

Sunday, March 14, 2010

aloha jumping flea

so i mentioned in my previous post that i'm learning the ukelele, here she is my "soul sister" kicking back against the pecan tree in the backyard :)

jumping fleas

in hawaiian, ukulele means jumping flea.

i started learning how to play this fun little instrument yesterday even tho i've been fascinated with it for quite some time (you would know if you have seen my youtube post a little while back). my sis & i spent 5 hours at a community college class getting to know some of the basics, then i'm planning to be schooled by youtube! its amazing how much stuff is on there that you can learn from. although i can't play like great-aunt vi yet... i'm learning this catchy little tune, so that when i'm old & wrinkly i can be just as entertaining with my arithtic fingers as great-aunt vi is! lol. hope u enjoy five foot two.

Friday, March 12, 2010

what colour is my career?


i came across this website that gives career advice based on what colours you most prefer or least prefer. when i did mine its suggestions were like a well tailored outfit.......  articulating in the "best occupation" category some options that i have been thinking about... if only i'd followed my heart rather than my head when i went to uni... architecture had been my career of choice (2nd and more practical to photographer! lol). my career change into marketing has wisely combined my best and 2nd best categories (since its a combination of being creative & organised), but sadly life in marketing has been so dry & analytical of late. really need to spice things up a bit & bring back some creativity! 

best occupation category: CREATOR

keywords: nonconforming, impulsive, expressive, romantic, intuitive, sensitive, and emotional.

details: these original types place a high value on aesthetic qualities and have a great need for self-expression. they enjoy working independently, being creative, using their imagination, and constantly learning something new. fields of interest are art, drama, music, and writing or places where they can express, assemble, or implement creative ideas.
creator occupations: advertising executive, architect, web designer, creative director, public relations, fine or commercial artist, interior decorator, lawyer, librarian, musician, reporter, art teacher, broadcaster, technical writer, english teacher, photographer, medical illustrator, corporate trainer, author, editor, landscape architect, exhibit builder, and package designer.

creative workspaces: workplaces where you can create and improve beauty and aesthetic qualities. unstructured, flexible organizations that allow self-expression work best with your free-spirited nature. e.g. advertising, public relations, and interior decorating firms; artistic studios, theaters and concert halls; institutions that teach crafts, universities, music, dance schools, art institutes, museums, libraries, and galleries. 

2nd best occupation category: ORGANIZER

keywords:self-control, practical, self-contained, orderly, systematic, precise, and accurate.

detail: conservative appearing, plotting-type enjoys organizing, data systems, accounting, detail, and accuracy. often enjoy mathematics and data management activities such as accounting and investment management. persistence and patience working with detailed paperwork, operating office machines, writing business reports, making charts and graphs.

credits: quiz & image from "how about orange" blog
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