Friday, August 29, 2008

how popular is your name?

ditty is unique

david was the most popular boy's name in the 1960's but has been in decline

isaac is gaining in popularity (there were 218 plus 1 born in 2004! including my isaac!)

the baby names explorer is a fun way to browse through more than a century of the top 1200 baby names in NSW for the past 100 years!


Mommy said...

interesting stats Dit... 198 Hayley's born in 2007. what were u doing in baby names explorer? is there a hidden message behind the last 2 postings?

ditmeister said...

mommy, you're reading too much into it - nothing more than a curious pondering and a weblink from a colleague that I thought I'd post.

just coincidence that the 2 things occurred on the same day :)

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