Saturday, January 29, 2011

little "ness"

when vanessa's parents invited me to take photos of their adorable daughter, i felt extremely honoured that i'd been selected to photograph such special memories for them.  i've known vanessa's parents for quite some time & know how much of special blessing she is to them.  i also know how creative & talented they both are (daddy is an architect & mummy is studying her doctorate in biological science) so i felt quite elated that i'd been "selected" by them!

i first met vanessa (i call her littleness) a few weeks after she came into this world.  remember what renee zellweger says to tom cruise in jerry macguire?  well littleness had me at "hello" too!!  from her big dark eyes, the little curls in her hair, & her cute as a button dimples... i couldn't resist her... luckily for me, i get to see her every sunday at church for my littleness fix.

two weekends ago i had the pleasure of spending an evening with her to capture some memories of life at 7 months.  you'll know why i couldn't stop raving about her in this post when you see her photos.  enjoy.

meet tiffa, littleness' cat...
her green eyes are stunning

date: 15th jan 2011
location: sydney, australia
more photos

Monday, January 24, 2011

brown paper packages tied up with string...

these are a few of my favourite things....

araelia is a little emotional... that violet thinks so much of her to get her a welcome to sydney gift.
she misses her home in bohemia immensely.

oh this is so beautiful! 
"dekuji (thankyou) violet"

Friday, January 21, 2011

debuting... araelia sakura

finally! after 10 days wait blythe arrived...

i'd had a busy morning filled with back-to-back meetings & was thinking that i'd be working through my lunch hour as i sat back down at my desk after returning from a meeting just before midday today. the daunting thought of the volume of emails i'd probably received since i last checked my email was weighing on my mind as well, so when i actually checked my inbox & discovered a message from the courier room at the top of my emails my heart started to pound... & when i opened the email & skimmed down the page & saw in the details that the package had a hk post tracking number on it, my heart went into flight or fight mode & changed gears into full throttle & started punching into my ribs!  i jumped out of my seat in flight mode & announced with excitement to my team-mates that "my doll had arrived!!".  my team-mates (God love them) kindly smiled at me & asked with interest, "what doll?", & so i went into a crazy spiel & explained who & what blythe was.  now as i sit calmly at my laptop, reliving these seconds, i'm sure they must've thought i had gone mad.  i've actually known the people sitting around me for quite sometime (some of them up to 5 years). however, i've only recently joined my current team, having recently started a new roles... i suspect that they think i'm crazy & probably even wonder how i even got the job.  all i can say is that, i can put on quite a good "professional" act... haha!

the real me is just a big kid... my hubby calls me a "kidult", and i am known to get excited over things that i'm passionate about.  its not a thing i'm ashamed of either 'cos life ain't worth living if you can't find things in life that makes you want to run around and squeal with delight!

so, back to blythe... well of course by now she has a name (all my toys do!).  now that she is home she's not just blythe anymore, she's araelia sakura.  this was the name of my avatar in the virtual world of online gaming (i don't game anymore) & it just seemed fitting for her to assume this name.  i took some photos of her arrival today using my trusty iPhone4.

it was cool that she came in a "brown paper package, tied up with string... "
(does that remind you of a certain song?)

box details & first photo as a free woman!!

a few polaroids... something all fun loving gals from the 70's would have

Sunday, January 16, 2011

don't think, just shoot - instagram update

i'm totally addicted to instagram & was thrilled to find this site listagram... which allows you to view & comment on instagram from a computer, making it much easier & handy to comment & view pics as well as get access to historical information.

i also think i need to do an instagram update on the blog... because how else will u see what i see? 

instagram + iPhone brings to me the same philosophy that lomographische meant for lomography... its my "don't think, just shoot" photos, my pics on instragram are taken spontaneously, taken whenever i get inspired by what i see & experience. hope you enjoy a peek of my daily life as seen by me & my iPhone. xoxo

Monday, January 10, 2011


i recently learnt about blythe... a doll that has a cult following that i was oblivious to... until friday.  two days later, i've fallen in love with her... everything about her appeals to everything that is me.  each blythe is as unique as her owner and is customisable.  you can meet a few blythes below...  most of these have been customised & dressed up in handmade items.  there are businesses run on places like ebay & etsy with accessories for her.

photo by

since being told about her two days ago, i've also "adopted" a blythe. the mister thinks i've gone mad, because miss blythe doesn't come cheap... but i just couldn't resist her.  i am sure my mister fears i will be carrying this 12 inch doll around, pausing often in public to photograph her when i'm out with him.  he knows me too well!  my only advice to him is to practise looking like he doesn't know me!!!  miss blythe is definitely not quite as subtle as my 2.5 inch sonny angel doll "chichi" who has graced my photographs thus far.

so now i'm "patiently" waiting for miss bohemian peace to come from a land far, far, far away (factory in china, to shelf in hk warehouse, to the courier room at work) to live with me.

miss bohemian peace

photo by

something i was delighted to learn about miss blythe was that she was the model for the alexander mcqueen range that launched at the chainstore target in march last year. the campaign was shown around nyc & gina garan who started the blythe craze with her book "this is blythe" (released in 2000 featuring photos of blythe in locations all around the world), was also the blythe style consultant for the campaign. last night whilst out in balmain with some girlfriends, i thought i spotted a diet coke ad in a bus shelter that had blythe on it... or was it just me mixing what's in my mind with reality???

target advertising

photo by

gina garan photos of blythe

photos by gina garan

isn't she cool? i can't wait to get her, shoot her, customise her, shoot her, & share her with the world!

blythe for now... (oops i meant bye!)
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